Monday, December 26, 2011

Ilusaid lõppevaid pühi!!!

Lõpuks on inimesed end nahast välja rabelenud,rahad sirgeks löönud ja hea olla. Mul pole küll midagi hullu,kingitusega jäin normaalsuse piiridesse ja mingisugust toidubeebit endale ka ei kasvatanud. Jõulupakke sain küll hulgi,aga kõik asjad olid ka sellised nö. naelapihta tabatud. Praegu patustan kommimägedes. Mis siin ikka pikalt jahuda on,paar pilti ka teile. A ,ma polegi vist oma ajanappuse tõttu jõudnud kirjutada meie hipinädalast,mõned pildid ka sellest siis:D

pakk H&M ist

papsiga klaase kokku löömas


Monday, December 19, 2011

30 christmas gift ideas under $25

1. Bottle of Wine / Unique Selection of Beers – This consumable (always a plus) gift is a great idea if you are spending the evening with the recipient. You may even be invited to partake. Many different varieties of wine can be had for under $25 a bottle. As for beer, I like the idea of visiting a place like World Market, who will let you create a mix of foreign beers to purchase by the six pack. Slap on a bow and you are good to go. Always drink responsibly. Want a wine accessory instead? Try this Electric Wine Opener with Chiller by Oster [$24.97].
2. Book – Most books will easily fall under the $25 level. Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, guides, cookbooks, etc. When all else fails, go for a coffee table book. I like this highly-rated coffee table book, Planet Earth: As You’ve Never Seen it Before [$24.06].
3. Hat/Gloves/Scarf – Since the Holiday season usually means cold weather, get your friend or loved one some combination of a hat, gloves, or scarf. This is usually a safe buy because they are often easy to fit without knowing the exact size. This year the animal hat/scarf combos are very popular. Here’s one that actually has mittens too: Husky Animal Hat with Mittens [$24.99].
4. 529 Plan Starter – Have someone in your life that could use a college savings plan? Help them get started by contributing $25 in their name. This is a great gift for grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Be sure to run it by their parents so you don’t step on any toes. The College Advantage plan will contribute an additional $50 to help you get started as well. That’s a total of $75 towards someone’s future education costs.
Multi Tool Pliers - Christmas Gift Ideas5. Multi-Tool – Guys love gadgets. The ultimate gadget is the multi-tool or Swiss army knife. These are perfect for the kitchen drawer, glove box, toolbox, tackle box, garage, etc. Everyone could use a multi-tool to help them make quick repairs on the fly. Entry level tools and knives can be had for around $25. Check out the Suspension Opening Butterfly Multi-Plier with Sheath by Gerber [$22.36].
6. T-Shirt – A t-shirt makes a great gift because it can be personalized for the recipient. And who couldn’t use another t-shirt in their collection? Create an original t-shirt at a place like
7. Board Game – Games bring the whole family together. They are perfect for the Holidays when family members may have a lot of free time to hang out. Check out the very popular Quirkle from Mindware [$17.95].
8. Soap and Lotion Bundles – This is another favorite of mine to give. Who doesn’t need soap and lotion? It’s another consumable gift too. Leaves no clutter. Places like Bath and Body Works create several different gift packages under or around $25. Check out the Bath & Body Works Twilight Gift Basket [$14.90] which includes lotion, body mist, shower gel, and lip gloss.
9. Gift Card – I love gift cards because they allow the recipient to have some say in the specific gift that they receive. Instead of a specific DVD, give a movie theater gift card so the recipient can see the movie they want. Instead of a piece of clothing, give a department store gift card so the recipient can buy what they want. I love gifts cards for: restaurants (I like to eat!), movie theaters, and electronic stores. Check out a place like where you can buy unwanted gift cards at up to 30% discounts. Be careful with gift cards though: they can be perceived as impersonal, and they can also have expiration dates or fees affecting their usability.
10. Annual Magazine Subscription – If your friend or loved one has a hobby or interest, odds are there is a magazine geared towards that particular subject. It might be a good idea to also purchase one from the news stand so that you have something physical to wrap and give them along with the annual subscription. Magazine subscriptions can be found online for very cheap. Here’s a subscription to Real Simple [$23.88].
11. Earbuds – Just about everyone has an iPhone, iPod, or some other hand held digital device. Apple and other manufacturers don’t spend their time designing the best pairs of stock earbuds. In fact, I think they are really uncomfortable. Save someone’s ears this holiday season by giving them a nice pair of earbuds or headphones. Check out these stylish Noise-Isolating Earphones from Ultimate Ears [$19.99].
Luggage Locator - Christmas Gift Ideas12. Key/Luggage Finder – This is probably the most unique Christmas gift idea on my list. They now have a device that fits on your key ring that, when active, will emit a sound when you are near your luggage tags. With this device you will never have trouble locating your luggage in the airport again. And it also works in the opposite direction, so you can find your keys when you lose them. Buy the Soren Luggage Locator [$6.97].
13. Poster or Print Art – A great gift for kids would be a poster. Who doesn’t want a life size image of Justin Beiber on their wall? For the grown-ups, look for art that you think they might find interesting. There is even a nice service by some online print shops where you can create a collage of pictures and print it out poster size. Try this Japanese Vinyl Wall Art Decal from The Custom Vinyl Shop [$22.99].
14. Photo Book – Upload digital photos to a place like and create a photo book. The books are printed and mailed to you or your recipient. Easy and creative.
15. Candy or Specialty Food – At a loss for gift ideas? Get them some food! Treat your family or friends to a nice box of chocolates (e.g. See’s Candies), or pick up a specialty food basket from Hickory Farms or Harry & David. Here’s a See’s Candy 1lb. Chocolate & Variety [$16.50].
16. Christmas Ornament – Start a tradition within your family. Give an ornament to a family member for their Christmas tree. Something with a personal note or picture would be ideal. Here’s a nice one: Angels Embrace Ornament from Willow Tree [$15.96].
17. Thermos or BPA Free Water Bottle – There are a ton of new, healthy, environmentally-safe food and water storage products on the market today. Odds are your friends or loved-ones might need an upgrade. Get a coffee or soup thermos, or invest in a new water bottle. My friend really likes this Sky Blue Better Bottle from Camelbak [$11.95].
18. Theme Baskets – Along the same lines as the subscription option above, if you know what interests those on your gift list have, it will be easy to design a gift to suit them. Why not create a gift basket of sorts around a theme. For the fitness junkie, throw together a gym bags worth of workout gear and equipment. For the aspiring cook, get a set of mixing bowls, some utensils and maybe even cookbook (try Half Priced Books). This gift says you respect them for their interests and want to encourage their efforts.
19. Picture Frame – This is an ideal Christmas gift idea if you know the person well enough to put a picture in it (i.e. picture of the grand kids for your parents). If you are simply giving the frame itself, make sure it’s exceptional or unique in some way. Most can be had for under $25. Here’s a Linear Wood 8×10 Matted Black Frame from Malden [$17.38].
20. Toiletry Bag – Let the frequent traveler in your life know you want them to travel in style. A nice bag can make life on the road a bit easier to bear. Check out the Ogio Doppler Shave Kit [$19.30].
21. Slippers – Don’t let the feet get cold this winter. Invest a few dollars towards keeping your loved one’s feet warm and cozy all season long. Check out these Sand-Colored Venus Shearling Women’s Slippers from Tamarac by Slippers International [$20.78].
22. Journal – If you can’t think of a specific book to purchase, why not go for a journal instead and let your friend or family member do the writing. A good writer will work through several journals throughout the year, so have a spare around will come in handy. Here’s a XL Soft Cover Ruled Notebook from Moleskine [$13.57].
Holga - Christmas Gift Ideas23. Holga Camera – Here’s another unique gift. Know any aspiring photographers? Holga cameras are a specialty camera that many people want to have in their arsenal of cameras. And lucky for you, they cost no where near the price of today’s high end digital SLRs. This one comes in a bit higher than $25, but it’s the cheapest Holga I could find: Holga Camera [$29.99].
24. Coffee Beans – Adventurous coffee drinkers will appreciate this gesture. With thousands of coffee varieties, manufacturers, and flavors on the market, you’re sure to find something interesting and new. Here’s a 32oz bag of Cameron’s Organic French Roast Whole Bean Coffee [$18.84].
25. Blanket – The great thing about a blanket is that it’s practical and it’s one size fits all. Keep your family or friends warm this holiday season with a nice blanket. If you are feeling a bit silly, give them a Snuggie or Slanket instead. Here’s a nice Grey/Green All-Purpose Blanket from JJ Cole Collections [$25.71].
26. DVD Sets – Know someone who loves movies? There are a million DVD titles on to choose from, increasing the chances that you’ll find something valuable for your recipient. There are actually quite a few movie and TV sets for less than $25. I want the Peanuts Holiday Series DVD Set [$20.49] which includes Charlie Brown Christmas.
27. Golf Balls – Have an avid golfer in the family? Get them more of what they need to help improve their game. As an occasional golfer myself, I can tell you I appreciate having plenty of golf balls handy for my next round. I’m not sure these are legal, but I like the looks of the Self-Correcting Golf Balls by Polara [$24.95].
28. Gadget Case – Everyone has some type of smart mobile device these days, but they don’t all have a nice case or cover to properly protect it. There are all kinds of accessories for the people in your life with an iPhone, Droid, Kindle, or iPad. Check out this Pink Leather Folio Case Cover for the Amazon Kindle Fire [$17.58].
29. Flowers and Vase – I like this gift because it combines a temporary item with a permanent one. The flowers will fade, but the vase or planter will be around for whatever the recipient has in mind.
30. Handmade Jewelry or Box – Instead of picking out something from a big box jewelry store or some piece that everyone has, find a nice handmade, unique piece of jewelry to give as a gift. There are some nice handmade jewelry boxes out there as well. Here’s a nice one: Wooden Jewelry Box with Brass Metal Inlay [$16.00].

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


We wish you a merry christmas...

Kuna on jõuluaeg ja kõik kaunistavad oma kodusid, siis mõtlesin, et miks mitte kaunistada meie kullakallist blogi (osalt ka seetõttu, et tasa teha oma võlg teie ees, kuna ma ei ole nii kaua kirjutanud). Nii tegingi rahulikes toonides blogi kujunduse. Häid jõule! :)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Remember me?

 Jee, Karolin is back! Okei, tegelt ma pole kuskil käinudki, aga jah lihtsalt mul on nüüd vaba aega (jeii)! Muidugi see ei ole vabandus, aga ma loodan, et siiski suudate andestada mulle kunagi :( Niinii, kust nüüd alustada... aa, mäletate, ma siin kaks kuud tagasi rääkisin, et mul autokool? Nii nüüd load käes ja vuran juba kolmandat nädalat autuga ringi. Maagilisel kuupäeval tegin ARK-i sõidueksami ära- 21.11.2011 kell 11 spoookyy... Anyways, sellega on ühel pool. Siis 25.november oli viimane kabaree, millest juba Loore kindlasti rääkis, aga mõni siin esines, mitte ei vaadanud niisama (ma ei vihja kellelegi, ausalt) :D aga emotsioonid olid seinast seina- olin õnnelik, et see läbi sai, kuid samas kurb, kuna just see lavatagune melu ja see kuidas lend kõik üheks sai, seda jään igatsema, nuuks. Aga see ei ole veel kõik selle nädalavahetusega- nimelt 26.nov. toimus Saarepiiga 2011, kus siis ühe tobu soovitusel osalesin. Selle aasta teemaks oli jää sulamine, nii otses mõistes kui ka inimsuhete tasandil. See oli ka, ütleme nii, päris huvitav kogemus, kuid siiski sain uusi tuttavaid ning palju nalja. Mina isiklikult sellesse üritusse mingi täie tõsidusega ei suhtnud, vaid pigem huumoriga, ning seetõttu pole ka kurb, et mingiks missiks ei saanud :D aga see-eest sain kuhjaga nodi ja kinkekaarte, mida plaanin kasutama hakata varsti. Kõik osalejad said Grand Rose-i saunakeskuse kinkekaardid, kinkekaardi, Diva VIP pääsme, joogikaarte ja kinopileti kahele, Elu ja Ilu kinkekaardi, Planet Spordi aastase tasuta kaardi jne jne. Igatahes õnnetu pole siin millegi üle olla ;D Keda huvitab Saarepiiga üritus, ning pole näinud, siis Youtube'ist on olemas täitsa terve ürituse videod ;) Rohkem ei meenugi midagi erku, aga luban nüüd rohkem endast märku ka anda :)
 Natuke reklaami ka: 16.(kell 16.00) ja 17.detsembril (kell 18.00) toimub Kuressaare Kultuurikeskuses Gymnastica jõuluetendus. Tulge kõik vaatama! Pileti hind on 16. dets.- 2.50 eurot, 17.dets.-3 eurot (eelmüügist odavam) kes huvitatud, küsige, minu käest on ka võimalik saada eelmüügist pileteid.

Häbi tundev Karolin :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Loore nägijaks

Palun,palun Teid kõiki,kes omavad facebooki kontot,paneksid like SIIA ja jagaks seda oma seinal.Tänu Teile võin ma võita tasuta laseroperatsiooni ega pea enam kunagi prille kandma ! Olen väga tänulik, kui saadate linki ka oma sõpradele.Samuti võite linki jagada oma blogides,kui olete nii muhedad! Aitäh!
Teie lühinägelik Loore :D

Shame on us

 Pealkiri ütleb rohkem kui tuhat sõna.Aga asja juurde. Teisipäeval oli meil kooli majanduspäev, kus 12. klassid pidid müüma või pakkuma mingit teenust. Eesmärk arvutada oma tulud ja kulud ning teha korralik protokoll. Üritus toimus alles esimest aastast, tänu millele oli tunda palju nõrku kohti. Aega jäi megaväheks ! Kõigepealt olid meil kahetunnised loengud,kus esimesena esines Müslimees,kindlasti olete kuulnud sellest eesti müslist,kus on peal suur puuvili või rukkilill või muu värk. Jah,see poiss õppis varasemalt meie koolis.Aasta ajaga on ta selle toodanguga jõudnud saavutada päris palju. Võimas!
 Enivei meil oli firma nimega Beauty,kus pakkusime soenguid,patse,meiki,küüsi,näomaalinguid. Kreisi värk,millised järjekorrad meil olid. Me olime arvamusel,kas kõik või mittemidagi.Tuli KÕIK. Ilmselgelt teeniseime kõige suuremat tulu! Jäime kogu päevaga väga rahule. Pilte tehti,aga ma ei tea,kust ma neid näeksid,igatahes neid ei näe praegu, jepp -.-
 Teisipäev oli tegus päev,veel toimus meil Kooli meistrivõistlused sisekergejõustikus.Kus feilisin taas sajaga,kuulist ei maksa rääkima hakatagi.Kõrguses olin väga pettunud.Ka kolmas-neljas koht ei teinud mu tuju paremask,sest kui tulemust pole,siis mis see diplom annab :(
 Reedel oli KJK spordiaasta lõpetamine Meris. Teatavasti oli torm,praam ei liinkunud ning kohale ei jõudnud ka meie üllatuskülaline. Eelmine aasta käis Märt Israel ,seekord oli siis tänu SKYPELE  meil Aivo Normak, ehk nüüdseks juba endine Eesti kergejõustiku peatreener.Pretty  cool, ah? Madis Kallas rääkis väga põnevalt möödunud Saarte mängudest ja tulevasest uuest staadionist. Seda oli tõesti põnev kuulata! Edasi juba oli bowling ja söömine. See on kujunenud juba iga aastaseks tavaks.Mulle igatahes sobib,kõik sportlased kenasti kokku aetud.Saab hoojaajale punkti panna.
 Laupäeval olid juba Saare maakonna meistrivõistlused.Hahah,seal oli  kena nali jälle. Et mul ikka juhtub.Kogu aeg oli juttu sellest,et esimene ala on kuulitõuge 15.15 Ajee mõtlesin end  poole kolmeks kohale vedada.Kell 14.15 saabus kõne treenerilt ,kes paaniliselt mid taga oli ajanud.Nimelt pidi pool kolm kõrgushüpe algama.Vuuuh,kuidas ma siis tõmblema hakkasin,riided kokku kärmelt,õnneks paps viskas ära autoga.Jõudsin kuus mintsa enne ala algust kohale -.- Küll olingi soe,mhmh... Ja .. metsa see kõik läkski TAAS. Olin ikka väga muserdunud ja õnnetu,kuna ei hüpanud seda kõrgust,mis lootsin. Jälle topiti kolmas koht diplomiga taskusse ja adjöö. Kurb oli kuulitõukesse minna. Sealgi põrusin :( Oli üks halb võistluspäev! :d
Aga vähemasti sain autoga maale sõita.
 Täna on pühapäev ja kas nädalat on veel vaja koolipinki rühkida.See aasta peame korraldama gümnaasiumi jõulupeo,mis tõestab tulla üpris koom! Tulge vaatama!
 Mingeid segapudru pilte ka:D

kunstis pidime tegema mingi taaskasutus asja,ma tegin kummikommikarbist sõrmustelaeka.

Karolin mates

öökapi lugemik,päris hea on

ma vist polegi oma uut telefoni eksponeerinud,sain selle ammuammu.Soov oli saada täiesti tavalist,ilma mingi puutetundliku ega klapi ega üldse mitte millegita.Saingi väga normika,ma superrahul! Mitte, et mul midagi puutetundlikku vastu oleks ,aga mu iPodi ei ületa ükski samsungi või muu wannabe iPhone. Tänu skypele saan ka nüüd iPodiga helistada,kuna mulle kingiti krediiti. Mu telefoni aku seisab nädalaid,niiet in your face nutitelefonid,ks te iga päev või üle päeva laete.
so,here's my phoney... NOKIA 2370 CLASSIC

Jõululaupäeval võiks lumi ikka nats alla pudeneda ja siis pärast võib taas kiireltkiirelt sulada.
Ega seda aastat enam palju pole jäänud.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who what wear...

The Locals in Paris